Friday, April 19, 2013

Updated Prayer Request for Bob DeWaay

Well, we thought my Dad would begin a new treatment on Monday, but as it turns out this will not be possible. Here is the latest from my Mom:

Please pray for Bob DeWaay, there has been a change in the schedule of his new treatment. The insurance company has no code for this treatment so they aren't sure if they will pay for it or not. The only code in their system is to use this to treat organ transplant failures, there is no code to use it to treat Bob's red cell aplasia. So the Dr is postponing it one week. He has also decided not to do it over a weekend. The recommended way to treat this is 10 days in a row. Because Methodist is a small hospital and not fully staffed over the weekend he does not want Bob to have treatments on Sat and Sun. If he had any major reactions they would have to call someone in to deal with it and it could be too late by then.

They use horse antibody's and when those get into various organs sometimes the organs react or shutdown so he wants a full hospital staff with all specialists available in case of trouble. So he won't start until Monday April 29th if the insurance company approves the treatment. They sounded like they would because his disease is life threatening, but they have to solve the code issue. He will be treated Monday through Friday for two weeks in a row. If he has any reactions he will have to stay in the hospital the whole time, if not he can have the last 7 treatments as an outpatient and go home afterwards. Please pray the insurance company will approve the procedure if it is the correct treatment for Bob. If it isn't the correct treatment we pray it will be denied.

Thank you so much for your continued prayer for my family.

4/23/2013 - Our prayers were answered and the insurance company agreed to cover this! We are rejoicing and praising God.


  1. Thank you so much, Lyn. I've been spending a lot of time in Scripture lately, and it has been such a comfort to me.


Your comments are such a blessing to me.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. " Hebrews 10:23-25